Earth Map Civ 6 – For more, see our list of the best civilization 6 mods.those of you familiar with civilization 5's modding scene will likely know of gedemon's yet (not) another earth maps pack which added planet. Can (technically) hold all the civs in a single game. The earth we know is mostly a water map. This map size was tested on.
Earth Map Civ 6

The civilization 6 earth map comes by way of modder gedemon, who has posted his work over on the civ fanatics forums. China's belly should be fatter;
Earth Map Civ 6 Steam Workshop::yet (Not) Another Maps Pack
- As of the jan 2021 update there are no set start locations but they will usually spawn in:
- In the april 2021 update huge variants of earth and tsl earth were added.
- And there's no steam workshop support yet either.
- There are still a few islands located on the map, but no civilization will start on them.
- Earth and true start location earth are two of the maps in civilization vi.